Tips from Clearview Tree and Land Corp of New York on Saving Homeowners and Businessowners Money By Practicing Proper Tree Maintenance
Bet you didn’t know that hiring a Long Island tree service company can actually save you money. How can you save money by contacting a tree service company on Long Island? Trees are worth saving and provide both economic and environmental benefits to homeowners.
Did you know that trees help New York City and Long Island meet EPA air quality goals? A tree with a diameter of 30 inches removes 70 times more pollution each year than a 3 inch tree does. In other words, don’t be so quick to remove trees from your property. Trees can provide cleaner air for you to breathe. Trees that do not pose danger to property or people should not be removed until you entertain other options such as tree trimming, tree pruning and overall tree maintenance.
Did you know that tree experts say that the average NYC and Long Island homeowner will see a $3.67 return on every dollar spent to preserve trees on their property? Shade trees are great when it comes to saving energy. Did you know that each shade tree on your Long Island property can save the homeowner $80 or more per year in energy costs?
Also, Long Island trees add to property value. Did you know that Long Island houses surrounded by trees generate a value of 6% – 15% higher than houses without trees?
Long Island and New York City business owners should also pay attention, because research shows that consumers spend up to 12% more at shops near green landscapes.
Another area to save money is when it comes to storm-water retention costs. Storm-water retention costs are significantly reduced when there are trees present.
To find out more about saving money through tree maintenance and to get a free tree service evaluation, contact Clearview Tree and Land Corp of NY today at 888-808-4777.