Unfortunately for property owners, this time of year has brought about high humidity levels, tons of moisture, and extremely stressful conditions for lawns. If the lawn is not properly cared for it can develop common fungus issues, such as, dollar spot, powdery mildew fungus, patch diseases (Summer Patches & brown Patches) etc.
Patches Disease (fungi) is usually caused by a group of fungi that attack and infect the grass blade roots. This fungus is particularly difficult to observe, diagnose, and/or treat, due to symptoms not being visible until substantial damage has already occurred to the lawn. A lot of the symptoms don’t show up until after damage has been done and the lawn/ plant is under stress. Usually this fungi disease can only be cared for through preventative methods.
Dollar spot is a common fungus found in lawns. It commonly affects most cool season turf grasses creating straw colored grass spots, which can be easily observed by the property owners. Some environmental conditions that influence the fungi growth are; warmer weathers throughout the day along with cooler nights, high humidity, and prolonged dew, thriving in the months of June through September.
Powdery Mildew Fungus is common in many grass types as well as ornamental plants/trees. This fungi can be extremely easy to observe because it is aptly named. Powdery mildew of white/gray colored patches cover the affected areas on grass or plants. Dark, shady, & damp areas are more likely to be targeted by the fungi and can generally be spotted during the fall or early spring seasons. Simple techniques such as improved lawn drainage & air circulation can help get rid if this fungi.
Clearview Tree and Land Corp. staff is made up of highly experienced Certified Arborists, Certified Pesticide Technician’s, and Landscaping Specialist’s. Please call 888-808-4777 to setup you free estimate appointment today.