1 Million Plus Trees Planted in NYC

Congratulations to the NYC Parks Department and the New York Restoration project for helping reach the goal of 1 million plus trees planted in NYC. As of November 20, 2015 approximately 1,017,634 trees are flourishing within the NYC region. The goal was reached in a span of approximately 8 years, 2 years ahead of schedule.…

Insurance Agencies and Trees

Clearview Tree and Land works hand in hand with insurance agencies. We can accommodate property owners with tree removal emergencies and tree pruning requested by their insurance company. Homeowners are responsible to secure the safety of their home and their property by purchasing homeowners insurance. Identifying possible hazards that may cause damages to the home/property…


As a property owner, it is your responsibility to be proactive and identify any signs of potential trees hazards, periodically. Many homeowners have called upon Clearview Tree and Land, requesting our certified arborist and/or tree professional to assess and identify present tree hazards. For your convenience, below are some of the signs that homeowners must…

What is a Tree Crotch?

A tree crotch is a pocket located at the bottom of a point of connection, between two or more tree limbs or tree trunks. There are several forms and types of tree crotches that can be identified on various tree species. There are three TYPES of crotches that can be found within both hardwood trees…

Acid Rain and Its Effects on Trees

Acid rain is common throughout the Long Island and New York area. Acid rain is a result of high pollution and air contamination. It is a result of the burning of fossil fuels and waste gases, containing sulfur and nitrogen oxides. Once these gases are introduced into the atmosphere, it then combines with the rain,…

The American Sycamore Tree also known as Platanus Occidentalis

Clearview Tree and Land is very knowledgeable and has extensive experience with all tree species. The American Sycamore tree, also know an as Platanus Occidentalis, is a very durable tree, with a fast growth rate. This tree species is native to the North American Region. In its young stages the Sycamore tree tends to have…